Included: CE application form, CE credit hours form, and Core Credit List.
Administration Fee for CE applications submitted less than 8 weeks prior to the event. Once purchased, please complete and submit this form to
Please do not copy or distribute this form; As a precaution, all submitted applications will be cross referenced for payments .
Please also "purchase" the free CE Credit Hours form in the COC Store. Submission of this Excel sheet is required as part of the CE application.
Once purchased, please submit the following to:
1. Completed application package forms (including Credit Hours Excel Form)
2. A detailed activity program (including times, speakers, titles and objectives for each presentation)
3. A copy of your "Proof of Attendance" form to give attendees that includes:
• The title and date of the CE event(s)
• The name of the hosting organization
• The name of the speaker(s)
• The name of the presentation(s)
• The name of the individual attendee
• The number of CE awarded
• The COC approval statement (this statement is found on the allocation certificate provided to the applicant by COC